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Enter this Living Leadership Laboratory. Never before in history do we have so stark a comparison of leadership styles, the impact of culture, motivation, team dynamics and all the factors that contribute to organizational success. Between the British and Norwegian expeditions, we experience polar opposites. Two cultures meeting and being tested in the harshest environment on the planet. Forget dry leadership lessons: this is a living leadership lab comparing the impact of every aspect of leadership. Join us as we go to the ends of the earth to bring you the most exciting leadership story every told.


Our unique approach, developed through many years of designing delivering TeamEverest experiences to hundred of clients and tens of thousands of participants is to create a core instructional design team of four One Story Designer, one Experiential Designer, a Learning Designer and Organizational Lead who is usually the Lead Facilitator. Together we work directly with your Leadership team or liaise through the Lead Facilitator. This ensures that whether we are delivering a 3-hour program or a 3-Day program, the experience and learnings are congruent at every level with your specific organization at this specific moment.


Our commitment, which few other training programs can match, is that ALL our programs will inspire participants to reach their team, division, and organizational objectives without hype or false "ra-ra” manipulative attempts at motivation. Instead, participants are inspired intrinsically through the compelling story, the metaphor, organizational links to their real world working experience. For this reason PolarLeader and our other programs are uniquely suited to both training events and conference programs.




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